Thursday 19 September 2013

Pre/Post Exam STRESS!

I am procrastinating so much, it isn't funny anymore. URGH frust frust frsut frustration! I have so mush to revise to the point I feel "Hey why not just start cleaning your room or take a nap or watch some Youtube videos or just start blogging?" So I ended up here. AGAIN. 

"Where did your heart go missing" by Rooney is just so addictive and nostalgic. Brought back some memories. Haiz. Emofied. Again. If you guys have not heard this song, please click onto the link below and LISTEN, I repeat, LISTEN. 

"I'm waiting, waiting for nothing
You're leaving, leaving me hanging
When did your heart go missing?
When did your heart go missing?
I treat you like a princess
But your life is just one big mess
When did your heart go missing?
When did your heart go missing?"

*Music blazing on-replay in the background* 
*dances and sings crazily*
*open Company Law book*


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