Friday 10 May 2013


It's 2.19 am and here I am creating a blog while I am supposed to be working on my article for the MULS newsletter. Pro-procrastinator. Yeah that's me. so anyway, I am newbie to this whole blogging world. havent given a thought about any creative, out-of-the-box idea yet about my blog. and so this is my first post. :) 

Anyway, today has been a pretty awesome day with lots of 'yum cha' sessions with friends and seniors. it feels good to be able to meet all these wonderful people and have some kick-ass catching up sessions. Especially when all of us had been so pumped up during the last few days because of the assignments and exams. Those horrible burning-the-midnight-oil weeks and reading-and-memorizing-till-your-eyes popped-out-and-your-brain-juices-squashed-out. Well don't mind the vivid descriptions but that is what it felt like. well, unofficially I have finish my 2nd year of my Law degree. Keeping my fingers crossed for my exam results!! ok not going to think about it. gonna have some kick-ass semester break! (I always say this but always ended up lazing at home most of the time FUUUU)

seeeee that smile! smile of FREEEDDOMMM! and the Hello Kitty! :D
Wait, remembered something. While I was on my yum-cha session just now, of all persons that I do not expect to meet, I met my ex. Ruin. So I am kinds emo-fied right now. I feel super lost and confused and sad and pathetic and sad and emo and sad and lost and confused and confused and confused. 

I think I'll just go dwell in my sorrows now. kbye.

“When we meet someone and fall in love, we have a sense that the whole universe is on our side. And yet if something goes wrong, there is nothing left! How is it possible for the beauty that was there only minutes before to vanish so quickly? Life moves very fast. It rushes from heaven to hell in a matter of seconds.” 
― Paulo CoelhoEleven Minutes

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